About Us

Income Disparity in Youth Sports


All For The Kids Foundation recognizes the positive correlation between children’s participation in youth athletics and their long-term achievement of academic goals, personal fitness, and subsequent professional success. 

We realize that for many kids in low income families, where parents are focused on making ends meet, these benefits often remain out of reach. 

The fruits of America’s fixation with youth sports are now largely  concentrated among children with means: According to data recently  released by the Aspen Institute’s Sports and Society program, household  wealth is the primary driver of kids’ athletic participation. 

Sports in America have, in essence, become separated into the haves and have-nots. 

Even for middle-class families, the growing costs of youth sports can be a huge burden. As a result of the booming “pay-to-play” economy of youth athletics, it’s no longer a given that a child with a desire to play sports will have that opportunity.

Our Mission


Through financial assistance and material support, All For The Kids Foundation ensures that all children with a desire to participate in youth sports are provided the opportunity to do so, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

We operate under the belief that children can benefit well into adulthood from participation in extracurricular sports, and that socioeconomic status should not determine who gets this head start in life, and who is denied. 

Through our Baseball For All Scholarship Program, we fully subsidize the costs of children’s participation in extracurricular athletics for families of limited financial means – including tuition or registration fees, uniforms, and equipment –without an embarrassing or invasive application process, preserving the dignity of these deserving families. 

Why Support Youth Sports?


Parents know that the physical exercise their kids are getting from sports is good for their health. But that's far from their only motivation for encouraging their children to participate in organized athletics. Through numerous academic studies, it has been proven time and again that youth sport has the potential to accomplish many more important objectives in children’s development.

Youth athletics emphasize character development and change kids from the inside out.

Through participation in athletics, kids learn how to win and how to lose. They learn what it's like to put in lots of work and have things not go their way. And they learn what it feels like to put in a lot of work — and then win. These are lessons that can’t simply be taught; truly understanding discipline and dedication, success and failure, requires experience. 

The organized way youth participate in sports — with leadership and fellowship — not only prepares kids for the next game, but for much broader roles in life. Sports offer formative and life-long lessons that stick with children who play. 


Donate Now

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Your generous gift will help us achieve measurable outcomes that will strengthen the skills and build brighter futures for the children we serve.  

Application for Assistance

If your family is in need of financial assistance to ensure your child's participation in sports, please complete the application form below.

Batter Up!

All For The Kids Foundation

Orlando, FL
